Author Sophie Pierce has documented 12 months of visits to our natural burial ground Sharpham Meadow, publishing words and pictures on a dedicated website. Her son Felix was buried here in March 2017, after dying suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 20.
Sophie has already published a book of letters to Felix in the form of The Green Hill - her family's name for Sharpham Meadow. The website takes the same name: https://thegreenhill.uk
Says Sophie in her introduction to the website: "Visits here have become part of the rhythm of my life over the past few years ".
"It is wonderful to see the seasons change in this beautiful place, and I wanted to record a year here, to try and explore how bereavement and time are inextricably linked".
She and photographer Kate Mount visited Sharpham at dawn. "Daybreak is a liminal time, a sort of liquid, hardly discernable, moment of transference," said Sophie.