Meet our latest Barn coordinator

11th January, 2018

Say hello to Ethan Pollock, the latest co-ordinator at The Barn Retreat Centre.

He has just joined us and will be here for a year, living with and supporting participants staying on retreat at The Barn.

He’s spent the last five years living at Plum Village in south west France – the first monastic community founded by Thich Nhat Hanh in the West.

“It’s been great but because it’s a monastic community, there’s a limit to what you can offer. I think that coming here is a great opportunity to offer more and be fully involved,” said Ethan.

“It’s so small and there’s this sense of being able to get to know everyone on retreat, to be with them fully and to meet people deeply. It’s a different sort of community,” he said.

Ethan stayed at The Barn last year and was friends with former volunteer coordinators Jess and Nina.

People interested in becoming a volunteer co-ordinator at The Barn, can find out more here