School children sow seeds at Sharpham Meadow

22nd June, 2015

Last week, three classes, over 60 children aged between 8 and 11yrs, from The Grove School in Totnes took part in a seed collecting and sowing event at Sharpham, run by the Sharpham Outdoors Project.  

The children first collected wild native flower seeds from the estate's organically-farmed Lower Sharpham Barton Farm and then walked up the hill to Sharpham Meadow Natural Burial Ground to sow them. The Trust aims to gradually increase the wild flowers at the meadow by stripping the turf off in sections and sowing the bare ground with wild flower seeds. 

At this event, a strip of soil was removed to make a seed bed where the children were all able to sow their gathered seed. 

Chloe from Year 4 said: “I had a great day. My favourite bit of the day was when we planted the seeds and made a wish on them.”

The children took their responsibilities to heart and were quiet, respectful and thoughtful as they planted the seeds and decided on their wishes.

It was hard work for them but really useful, and Bob the Bus was on hand to take them back to Totnes after a hot day in the sun. 

Teacher Adrian Gude said, "The children had a great time and learnt a lot about conservation issues.”