Say hi to our latest Barn coordinator

15th June, 2017

Lynette Robinson is the latest co-ordinator at The Barn Retreat Centre.

She joined us in April and will be here for a year, living with and supporting retreatants in The Barn.

Lynette lived in Yorkshire, where she first encountered Buddhism in a night class. Since that time, she’s explored a range of practices and retreats in her enquiry, before experiencing mindfulness teachings in New Zealand.

“I was introduced to mindfulness as a way of life, which really deepened my enquiry,” she said. “I’m trained as a life coach and I started to bring it into my coaching.”

Four years ago she gave up her day job to deepen her own practice, looking for “ways to serve and to support others to get in touch with their own toolkit of wellbeing and stillness”.

She has since completed the Breathworks teacher training and then discovered The Barn as a retreat centre. After staying here last year, she was invited to cover for a Barn coordinator who was ill, giving Lynette a further chance to experience Barn life. Now she’s here for a year.

“I realised the value for people having a space like this…and that I love holding these spaces,” she said. “To live in community is very rich…and it’s not just about the practice, but how you can bring that into your daily life.”

“It’s just so joyful to be in this place that’s in alignment with what I wish to experience and to give.”