Our latest Barn Co-ordinator

11th November, 2016

Say hello to Nina - the newest Volunteer Co-ordinator at the Barn.
She first came here three years ago on retreat - now she's staying for a whole year.
"I've been to the Barn 3 times on retreat before...and the very first time I was here I talked about becoming a coordinator. It took me two and a half years to make up my mind!"
Australian-born Nina moved to London and really developed a connection with the UK - her ancestors are from Birmingham - and then she connected with The Barn as a retreatant.
Now she's giving a year of service to The Sharpham Trust retreat centre. 
"I'm surprised how much it feels like I'm here on retreat, even though there's a lot more practical stuff to address as a coordinator," said Nina. "I feel really comfortable, like it's home, like it's where I need to be."
"I feel a deep sense of community here and that I'm part of an evolving sangha that changes all the time and yet holds itself together. It's really beautiful."