Our apprentice gardener has a growing reputation...

12th March, 2019

Amy Cairns comes Highly Commended, after being nominated in college awards - just halfway through her apprenticeship.

"I'm really excited about this - she's worked so hard and she really deserves the appreciation," said our Head Gardener Bryony Middleton.

As part of her apprenticeship with The Sharpham Trust, Amy attends South Devon College each week, working towards a Level 2 Horticulture National Vocational Qualification.

Amy was nominated in the Horticulture and Science Apprentice of the Year section of the college's annual Apprentice Awards. The prizes highlight students' standards, commitment, attendance and achievements.

"Most of the other award nominees had finished their apprenticeships, but Amy has been here for just 6 months," said Bryony. "Her tutor nominated her and her garden portfolio was praised. She's showing a deep interest in the subject and she asks lots of questions."