One off Donations

We rely on our supporters to help us fund improvements and new initiatives that we would otherwise be unable to achieve.

Caring for the historic estate and buildings is a constant challenge but we don't want to just preserve the estate we want to improve it for wildlife and for people.

You can read about our recent appeals below.

Gardens at Sharpham

New Greenhouse

Built in the 1970s our timber greenhouse reached the end of its life. At over 100 feet long replacing it was a challenge and so we ran a crowdfunder in 2021 and raised over £25,000 from 249 supporters.

Being in a listed garden the new greenhouse needed to be in keeping with its surroundings so we found Peritys who build timber greenhouses by hand. We were really pleased with the results.

The New Kuti

Disaster struck in 2022 when our solo retreat hut The Kuti burnt down to the ground. Beloved of so many people we wanted to try and replace it and continue to offer a place or solitude.

Our crowdfunder raised over £11,000 from 192 supporters and we embarked on building our new Hermitage a shepherd's hut which is now complete.